Friday, February 24, 2012

Our week

 photo by Blake
 sometimes Chloe joins in on lesson work
 boys and it!
 she had been asking to paint all day- finally, it was time
 she set this shot up- she wanted to take lego guns and pretend to shoot me AND chloe had to be in the picture
 yes, short weather!  it got warm this week.  And breezy
garlic ginger lemonade-one of our home remedies to help fight off colds (we also use elderberry syrup and tea tree oil baths)

I am glad I have these pictures to look back on for the week as it seems by the time Friday rolls around, I don't remember much.  Maybe it is due to lack of sleep or being a homeschooling mama to four, but whatever the case may be, I am always grateful for documenting our life in this way!  I like to look back at photos of the kids when they were wee babes and many times, those photos stir up memories that have been otherwise buried in the back of my mind.  Sometimes I question the amount of photos I am taking or is it too intrusive on our lives...certainly my life wasn't documented like this.  But most of the time, I am just happy to have this time of our life preserved forever.

This week started out much like the weeks past have been.  Blake and I are still plugging away at our Norse Myths block and Jacob and I are still doing a four elements nature block.  But by mid-week, Blake had come down with a bad head cold and well, we all took a break from "school".  But that isn't to say learning didn't occur.  Blake spent the last several days resting on the couch and devouring book after book and the little guys were wrapped up in lots of imaginative games.  And of course, there is always creating!

There has been a shift in our rhythm.  A shift that seems to naturally occur as the season's begin to shift as well.  Dinner has been moved up a bit to allow for more outdoor play.  Rising in the morning is not in complete darkness.  The geese have been making their presence heard as they fly overhead.  The yard is filled with migratory birds and some are even in the early stages of mating.  The trees are in blossom and some have early leaves!  Yes, it seems spring is on our doorstep.  And we are ready!

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