Thursday, June 18, 2009

Newborn Sweetness

Snuggle time with Daddy
One of the many times she is held by her brother

She looks grumpy here, but she really wasn't!

Someone passed down several baby headbands to us. Peter thought it would be funny to put it on her and take a picture. Needless to say, she hated it! Must have been the feathers ;-)

This is one of my favorite pictures. A few minutes before, MaKenna had been pretty fussy. Blake started to play the recorder (you can see the book next to her) and she immediately stopped and was just starring at him. It was so beautiful to see!

How can you not love those cheeks!
So yummy!

Much of how MaKenna spends her day...she is a good sleeper!

I call this the superman pose.

More snuggles with Daddy.

Another one of my favorite pictures...ignore the spit-up stain on the sheets! This was taken before Peter had to get up and get ready for work. Isn't this a great way to start your day?!

So serious! She really does smile, but we have yet to be able to capture it on camera.

Parker wanted to hold her on my "bee bop bop". He is always so happy when he holds her.

Here she was fussing after a diaper change and waiting for momma to nurse. The boys came over and let her hold their fingers. She immediately stopped is the proof she has everyone wrapped around her fingers ;-)
We have been settling in nicely. After some rough goings with breastfeeding, we are over the worst of it and things seem to be going smoothly now. MaKenna is a very good sleeper...I usually get a 5-6 hour stretch of sleep at some point during the night. I can't get over how different she is from the boys...they were attached to my boobs every 2 hours around the clock! We managed to actually get out of the house yesterday. She is an excellent car rider...thank goodness because we like to keep busy! We all couldn't be happier and I am just enjoying these newborn moments because I know all to well how quickly they go by!


  1. So sweet!! But I agree with you MaKenna, those feathers don't do anything for you girl!

  2. Those cheeks are scrumptious!

  3. Ohh, I love the pic with Parker and the one where Blake is playing the sweet!! Bet those boys LOVE their little sis. ;)
