Friday, January 27, 2012

Moments from the week

It was a full week, but a wonderful week!

There was lots of playing with babies
 Watching in amazement as a Red Tailed Hawk perched in our neighbors tree for hours and then saying hi to our friend the very next morning on our walk
 Kneading, squishing, rolling, cutting homemade playdough 
 A trip to the library to add to our already large stack of books in rotation
 Taking in the beauty of these late winter sunsets.  A moment to pause and breath before the bustle of nightime routines
 Enjoying homemade pretzels (recipe found in the Waldorf Kindergarten Snack book)

 Hauling and stacking stone bricks, filling of dirt, placing plants and watering the new children's garden (all work done by Jacob and Parker)
 Ending the dreary, mostly rainy week with a glorious warm spring-like open, fresh air ushering out the stale air of winter

The kids left this afternoon to enjoy a long visit with grandma and papa.  It is always a strange feeling-the house feeling so empty, quiet.  Something I enjoy for a bit, but usually quickly long for the bustle of children about me.  I am hoping to get more progress done with Blake's sweater as well as some small sewing projects done (and maybe start some bigger ones) and of course, there is lesson planning and house chores that need to be done.  Tomorrow, Peter and I will go see a movie in the theatre...something we haven't done in years and years!  It looks like it is going to be a great weekend indeed!

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