Friday, December 16, 2011

From our week

 the littles are enjoying a painting session with new art supplies
 decorating with window crayons
 MaKenna has recently started to show a greater interest in drawing.  While it only lasts five minutes or so, she has oh so much fun creating beautiful pictures!
 gift making for nieces and nephews
 kneading candy cane playdough...another gift for nieces and nephews
 finding space in kitchen cabinets to play
 two(!) readers buried in books
 enjoying the unseasonably warm temps while they last
finding friends in nature (a brown snake)

This week was a good week indeed!  Most of it was spent at home, my favorite kind of days, creating, reading, playing, and just enjoying each other's company.  The weather has been rather warm for December and so a good bit of our days were spent outside.  It seems rather odd to me that we had windows open and spring bulbs emerging yet Christmas is in little over a week!  The boys have desperately been wishing for snow, but it appears we may have t-shirt weather instead.  This weekend will be full of gift making, both for Christmas and a very-soon-to-be six year old's birthday.  We will also make time for some general holiday craftyness and savor the last weekend before all the celebrating begins (Hannukah, Solstice, Birthday and Christmas, oh my!).  

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