Saturday, November 12, 2011


The sunlight fast is dwindling,
My little lamp needs kindling.
Its beam shines far in darkest night.
Dear Lantern, guard me with your light.
wynstones, Autumn

Our Martinmas celebration was simple and lovely and felt just right.  One of the traditions most loved in celebrating is the making of lanterns.  This year, we modge-podged tissue paper to glass jars and covered them in glitter.  I had also brought out some of our lanterns from years past and they were lit during our dinner, creating such a soft glow in the room!  After dinner, we bundled up and headed outside to walk through our neighborhood.  The skies were clear and the moon was bright and we all marveled at the stars dotting the sky.  It was a perfect ending to a wonderful evening.

1 comment:

  1. Tanya, the lanterns are beautiful!
    In the end, we ate by lantern-light inside. The boys didn't want to go out, because they were afraid of coyote!
