Monday, March 26, 2007

Sweet Babe

My "baby" is 15 months old and growing so fast. He is really getting the hang of signing and picks up several new signs a week now. He is challenging me to keep up! His latest acomplishment is eating with an adult fork. He reminds me a lot of Jacob in that sense...he wants to do everything just like the big boys. The other day I got him ready for his bath and he immediately went up and stood by the potty. He wasn't quite sure what to do, but he knew that something was supposed to happen when he did that! There are days when I wish I could freeze time...

1 comment:

  1. aww, that is too cute about the potty! I feel the same way about freezing time, and Makenna isn't even my last baby. They just grow up too dang fast, it's not fair. :(
