Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rhythm In Our Home: Morning

Our morning begins very much like how our bedtime began, with all the kids snuggling in our bed. Our kids tend to wake up pretty early no matter what time they went to bed the night before (which is why we have an early bedtime!). Usually, they are all awake by 7:00. Most mornings, they climb into bed with us to finish waking up and transitioning from that sleepy state of mind.

Morning is come,

Night is away,

We rise with the sun

to welcome the day.


After several minutes of snuggle time, the boys tend to run off to play while MaKenna and I head downstairs to the kitchen. She is the only one of my children who now requests breakfast as soon as she wakes (probably because she doesn't really eat dinner!). She is at that picky toddler eating stage and really will tend to want the same breakfast for weeks before deciding she doesn't want it anymore. Right now, its O cereal!
While she is eating, I tend to do some quick chores like opening the blinds to let in the sun and letting the dogs out for the morning. Then I prepare breakfast for all of us. Sometimes I have a helper (almost always MaKenna) and it takes a little bit longer, but that is okay. We then all sit down to eat breakfast together. By this time, it is around 8:00. We light our meal candle and say our morning blessing.

Thank you, Thank you Mother Earth

Thank you for this meal.
After breakfast has been eaten, the boys wash their dishes and we move onto chores. This consists of putting dishes away that had been washed in the dishwasher, making beds, brushing teeth and getting dressed.

After chores, the kids are free to play (inside or out) until mid morning when they are generally hungry for a snack. This is also the time we would run any errands if we needed to such as go food shopping or to the library. While the kids are playing, I am usually doing some housework that isn't a part of our weekly rhythm. As of late, it has been decluttering and preparing the house for our upcoming school year. After a morning snack, we are all outside until lunch!

I should note that this is our summer morning rhythm. This will change up a bit in a few weeks when we start our school year!


  1. your morning rhythm is very similar to ours at the moment. love the morning song. xo m.

  2. Our summer rhythm has been all out of wack. Ah well, I'm working toward a good rhythm for the fall HS year. and next summer I plan to do better.

    Love the morning verse!

