Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jail time

I think the boys feel that not only is MaKenna their baby sister, but she is also a play thing. I am constantly finding them doing things to her like "flying" her across the room or putting things (underwear) on her head. On this particular day, I had just finished nursing MaKenna in her room. The boys happened to be playing in there as well so I put her on the floor while I switched the laundry. When I came back to the room, she was no where to be found. Then I heard the giggling and this is what I saw...

Apparantly, Jakey had grabbed her and dragged her under her crib. She didn't seem to care one bit and actually seemed to enjoy "playing" with her brothers. I have to admit, I am a little nervous as to what they will do with her when she is bigger ;-)