Tuesday, February 19, 2008

School Update

The second half of the school year has been great for Blake! He was able to bring in a Frog and Toad book to school and read to the entire class! He was the only student to do so. He has also been placed in a challenge program for social studies/science. He meets with another teacher 45 minutes each day to work on problems. He also just started participating in a Math Challenge as well. He is given 6 problems to complete in a week. So far, everything has been a breeze for him. He still is excited to learn and I am amazed by how much they teach in Kindergarten. For example, the other day Jacob asked him how day turns into night. I assumed he would respond with something along the lines of "the sun goes down and it gets dark, etc.", but instead he began a long winded explanation of how the earth is rotating! I had no idea he even knew about it!

1 comment:

  1. He's a genius like his mom (and maybe his dad, but I don't know him). :)
