Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Little Helper?

Jacob loves to help me put food in the dog bowl. His favorite part is the scooping and today he politely asked if he could help.
Me- of course
Jacob- big scoop or little
Me- big
Jacob- okay. Do I put it in here (pointing to the water bowl and with a big smirk on his face)
Me- no way
Jacob- do I put it in here (pointing to the food bowl)
Me- yep
Jacob- (with a gleam in his eye and that poop grin) do I pour it in here....or on Parker?

Ha Ha. It always amazes me the way his mind works...never up to any good!

1 comment:

  1. how such a youngun can have such a sense of humor is beyond me...ugh, I love these stories...keep 'em coming!
