Monday, February 15, 2010

Sibling Love

Love is in the air

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day! I woke up to sweet kisses and whispers in the ear of "I love you mommy, you are the best mommy in the world, and Happy Valentine's Day" (not to mention that Kenna only woke up twice that night!!!). What a wonderful way to start the day!

Here Kenna is enjoying one of her gifts...a new playsilk, perfect for playing peek a boo!
The boys creating with their new window crayons
This is how I left the table for them to find in the morning. I had sewn up felt heart pouches and put a few pieces of candy inside. I also created secret valentines by writing a message on cardstock in a wax crayon. They were supposed to paint it to discover the message, but Daddy told them to color it (shows how much Daddy listens to Mommy, ahem). It turned out okay and they got the point. They drew lovely pictures for me on the back.

"recycled" heart crayons...I melted some broken, old crayons in heart molds. The boys LOVED these!
There were lots of exchanges of hugs and kisses throughout the day, special meals, and an evening topped off with some game playing. It was a great day and it also reminded me that these sorts of things should happen throughout the year, not just on holidays. The kids enjoyed it so much!

A bit of spring in the middle of winter! Parker helped Daddy pick these flowers out for me. They are soooo beautiful and you can't help but smile just looking at them!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day as well!

Let it Snow!

Late Friday afternoon, we were fortunate to get our second snow of the winter season! This time, it was not followed by ice and we actually got close to 4 inches. The boys were extremely excited and couldn't wait to go out and have a snowball fight with Daddy!

It came down like this for hours which made for a beautiful winter wonderland.
The boys were out early the next morning to make tracks in the fresh snow and of course, throw more snowballs.

And lets not forget all the taste testing ;-)

Everything looked so beautiful dressed in white.

Here is one of my angels.
This snow storm was a pleasant surprise and greatly welcomed, but just as quickly as the snow came, it melted and not much was left by Saturday afternoon. All that remains is the cold...brrr.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Day

Last weekend, we were treated to the first (and probably only) snow of the season! The boys were so excited and immediately bundled up and headed outside as soon as the flakes began to fall. We didn't get much snow, maybe about 1.5 inches to 2 inches and it quickly was covered with a nice thick layer of ice, but the boys enjoyed it nonetheless. They spent the entire day outside with their friends ice skating on the roads and sledding in make shift sleds.

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Kenna at 8 months

We have had so many changes in the last weeks! She regularily says "mama" now, LOVES to eat (and boy can she eat!), cut her first tooth and now can get up into stand with no need of anything to grab onto! She wants sooo badly to be able to walk, but still can't quite figure out how to make those legs move the way she wants them too. She is such a happy baby and literally squeals and wiggles with delight...almost like she is so happy she can't contain it! She loves to be outside and in fact, that is our cure for the grumps ;-) Daddy loves that she will still fall asleep on/with him and I must admit it makes me a little jealous. We love this sweet little girl! And by the way, she is starting to have the tiniest of curls in the back...reminds me of Parker!

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Little House

Blake and I have been reading the Little House series and we both have been LOVING them. I was able to get the set I read as a little girl from my mom at Christmas. Blake said to me that "at first I thought they were going to be boring, but it is so good!". Usually, I will read a chapter before bed, but have been talked into reading a couple of chapters at a time. Reading about life in simpler times has influenced his play as well. One morning, he decided to build a log cabin and even showed me which room was for Ma and Pa and which room was for Mary, Laura and baby Carrie. He was very proud of his work and I thought he did a great job!
You can see Ma and Pa under the porch.

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